quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012

That's far enough.

Okay, not posting about it does not help at all. I really, really tried forgetting about it, but it's impossible. I saw him at dad's funeral, at school, at the street,  looking at my window, you name it. Fuck, i don't know what to do anymore. I had a life, i can't just run.

I mean, as far as i know, there are no brazilian runners or runners on brazil. And i doubt there's a way for me to get the fuck out of here. I just don't know what to do. I have "(X)'s" all over my room and in my coat, it worked on the begining, but it's not working anymore. I think i will just stay here until it's impossible. I live with my step-mother (my mother lives in other city) and she's a bitch, to give you the truth, i don't give a dear fuck if she die, friends.

I think i will PM anyone who is alive and in deep shit, see how can they help me.

But first, The Strokes.

sábado, 17 de março de 2012

Finally home.

Hey. I just got out of the hospital. Good news are that in one month i might be fully recovered. Bad news is that i'm not lasting one month in one place. I didn't updated this blog in the hospital because i was thinking that talking more about it would Him appear or something, and i had shit loads of sutff attached to me.

This post is going to be brief. I didn't saw him again, had terrible nightmares, and i read other blogs, i read The Turorial, and i know i need to move in some days. Going to Dad's funeral. See you guys later.

Fuck this so much.

segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012

I'm not dead!

Hello, whoever actually reads this. You probably didn't got much of the post below ( i didn't post it and i don't know who did) but, in simple words when i was coming back from my issue with kidney stones, the car flipped in the middle of the road, my dad is dead, but i am fine, well, mostly. My ribs hurt a lot but the doc said i'm okay.

It is also said on the newspaper that they find me 340m from the accident. Only that i was not projected 340m, that's impossible. I walked. No, not really. I escaped. Yeah, this is where all of you guys say "fuck you" to me. I saw Him. To tell you the truth, me and my dad, because that's exactly why the accident happened. He was in the middle of the road, my dad tried to divert Him, what ended in the car flipping at 120km/h

I woke up, my dad was bleeding a little, the car was upside down and i saw Him again, immobile in the front of the car. The car's headlights iluminating Him, i'll never forget that. Then i got out of the car, and when i looked back, he wasn't there, then i tried to run, but it felt like there was a butcher knife stuck at my back. Then i limped until everything was black.

It also said that i had a cellphone in hand. I never saw it on my life. I tried to message this blog, but i blacked out before hitting send, the draft it's still here, i typed something like "help walks hurt Him" but it was all... Well, ain't that ironic... It was all encrypted.

So that's it. My dad is dead, i'm all fucked up and i got a tall asshole without a face chasing me.

No, i would be lying if i said that. Thinking good, i guess i already saw him. I mean, not before this blog. I'm a long MH lurker. When i started posting about it, the paranoia, small glimpses of shadows. I never really posted about it because i was afraid it could get, you know, worse.

But i guess it can't get worse now. And, thinking good now, i'm doing exactly what he wants.

quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

Fuck kidney stones.

So, today i though on making a post about my experiences with kidney stones, i hope it will be interesting

So, two weeks ago, i woke up in the middle of the night with some serious pain in my kidney area. Eventually the pain was unbearable, i ran across the apartment to dad's room. Took some time but i woke him up, told him about the pain, and we got to the hospital, almost screaming in pain the entire time. We got to the hospital, it was a very shitty, but the only one in town (small city), they saw my pressure, all okay. My temperature was normal, until one of the smart asses realized the it was kidney stones. Then i laid in one of the beds and took the famous morphine. It's good as people say!

I slept like a baby and then the nightmare started. I had to take a fucking cocktail of pills here and if i missed one, my kidney would scream like a ten years old rage-quitting. Sometimes the pain would come out of nowhere and i  had to go to the hospital. And here we are, two weeks later. The reason i didn't post today was because of them. Yeah, them, did i mention i have four little babies on me, two for each kidney? Anyway, only one is going down (the doc said since they stay in the kidney, they aren't trouble) and he is big, so pissing him is not an option. Tomorrow I'm going to a city 2h from here and i hope he will be long gone.

That's it. If you even exist, leave a question if you have it.

quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012

I find my lack of introduction disturbing.

Well, hello there, non-existant reader. My name is Matheus and this is my little blog were i will hopefully rant about sutff without losing interest in the first month. Okay, i think this is the part were i talk about myself to no one:

My name is Matheus (Matthew in english), i enjoy long walks on the beach gaming (i'm a sad, sad piratefag), animes (i guess i could consider myself a ex-otaku, sort of), and, of course the internet. I'm mostly a lurker but you can find me on Reddit (matheusvltt). I'm not going into anything specific of what i like, but you can ask me if you exist.

Oh, and about the first post, as you can guess if you lurked enough you can see i enjoy Slender Man related stuff. It's my second favorite monster, just behind Cthulhu and in front of Godzilla. I guess that's it for now.

terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012

Ezekiel Strahm, 1983 - 2012

Rest in peace you tough son of a bitch.

"When Good Men Goes to War...
... sometimes he fails. Sometimes he winds up dead."

Ezekiel Strahm. The man who fought back. Before I was drafted to the other side, he was hope. After, he was someone to be feared. On either side, he was someone to be respected. And respect him I shall.

I don't know who sent me this footage. Queries back to the sender earn no-reply. However... as he went, he left some messages for people who mean something to him. I can do no less than make sure they see it.

The Mystic has fallen."

That piece of shit couldn't touch him until he was defenceless.